( Click on a title or a record cover for complete info )
Burn My Eye: Trafalgar - EP - 1976
New Race: Trafalgar - single - 1977
Radios Appear: Trafalgar - album - 1977
Burned My Eye (live '76) on "Long Live The Evolution" compilation - 1977
Aloha Steve and Danno: Trafalgar - single - 1978
What Gives?: Phonogram - single - 1978
Radios Appear (Overseas): Sire - album - 1978
Living Eyes: WEA - album - 1981
Alone In The Endzone: WEA - single - 1981
Soldiers Of Rock and Roll: WEA - album - 1982
Under The Ashes: WEA - box set - 1988
More Fun!: WEA - 12" EP - 1989
Burn My Eye: WEA - 12" EP - 1989
Under The Ashes: WEA - double CD pack - 1992
Radios Appear: Red Eye reissue - album - 1995
Living Eyes: Red Eye reissue - album - 1995
Ritualism: Crying Sun/Citadel - album - 1997
Essential Birdman (1974 - 1978): SubPop - album - 2001
Radios Appear: Citadel reissue - album - 2002
Living Eyes: Citadel reissue - album - 2002
Zeno Beach: Crying Sun/Shock - album - 2006
Zeno Beach: YepRoc - album - 2006
Hungry Cannibals: Steel Cage Records - single - 2006
Zeno Beach / Suberfuge - Crying Sun Records - single - 2007
Live In Texas: Crying Sun Records - album - 2010
BOX SET: Citadel Records- 7 cds + 1 dvd - Oct.2014
Live At Paddington Town Hall 1977 - double gatefold vinyl LP - to be released - 2014
Vinyl re-issues of the first 3 albums - to be released - 2014